Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Happy First (Sort of) Birthday

(taken at Childrens hospital this morning while waiting for yet another surgeon who referred us to yet another doctor...)

Today was Maggie's due date - and what the doctors go by for development. I remember writing nearly a year ago how we would know more about Maggie's future at age 1. What she does in the first year of life is a good indicator of how she will do the rest of her childhood.

So here we are at one (technically). Compared to her older sister, who was running up
stairs at this age, she seems to be way behind. She's just now sitting up and hasn't even started to crawl. So that's a little discouraging but we're pretty confident she'll get there eventually.

In other ways, she is doing great. She's saying 4-5 words and pointing and clapping. The doctors always comment how alert she is and aware of her surroundings. She weighs 18 pounds, 1 ounce- I think that means she's actually on the charts now, albeit at the very bottom. (But we'll take that!) She's getting good at standing and is trying to pull up. She's super sweet and interested in what's going on around her. We are so proud of her.

Now we are praying that we can get her torticollis figured out soon, so she stop being frustrated all of the time and progress even more.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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