Thursday, March 4, 2010

Now a 29 year old wife and mother....

Justin is out of town so it's just me and the girls today. I told him I didn't need anything because I have the best present ever. But he did leave with me a dozen Sprinkles cupcakes ( yes, a dozen) and a card that had the picture below and read, "You're still alive - gimme five." I might take offense to it if it wasn't so appropriate.

And in honor of her four month birthday today, here is a video of MM reaching her first big milestone - smiling reactively to us. Something so small is so precious to us! We praise God daily for this baby.

And, finally, a priceless photo. Most babies have their fussy time at night and the only thing that calms Maggie is for Justin to hold her (a tradition that started in the hospital and can't be broken). So I have been encouraging him to use my sling so he can calm her and get some work done. A little snug but it works!


  1. LOVE the picture of Maggie and Justin! Classic! - love Ann

  2. LOVE the card. How appriopriate. You have an awesome husband. Don't you love when they do something so thoughtful instead of just getting the heck out of dodge as fast as they can? Thanks for sharing!

  3. Love this post! And just wanted to say amen to your previous post about how hard it is to have a preemie at home. My hubby and I were the same way - felt like our marriage was a rock during bed rest and the NICU ride, but now that we're dealing with the day to day of life with a preemie it's so HARD. Sounds like you guys are doing a great job. And thanks for the prayer advice - we need to be better about that!
