Wednesday, February 9, 2011


We have been home bound lots over the past two weeks with snow and ice. Here are some pictures of our lazy days...which I have to say, I love. Something about being stuck at home is really fun for me. I think it not having any appointments, therapists or nurses around - just us - makes us feel like a normal family.

(Only lasted 5 minutes in the snow - just like her mommy)
(took all of the pillows off the couch to build a fort)
(Okay I know what you're thinking - Mary Lawrence is almost four and shouldn't be sucking her thumb! I agree, and am slowly trying to break her of it. But at the same time, I have consulted the dentist, doctor, and a therapist about it, and all have said that ML has and is still dealing with a lot so we shouldn't rush it and make her feel bad about it. And honestly, it's not at the top of my priority list. But I am trying, so please don't judge me - ha ha:)
(With my girls on the way to a princess birthday party)

(Are these not the sweetest little girls?)

(look who's standing up -although her head often makes her topple over so we can't leave her standing alone!)


  1. Your girls are beautiful - I can't believe how big Maggie's getting! Don't worry about the thumb sucking - our 5YO still won't potty train, and we do the same thing about wondering if all the therapy/doctor visits/trauma leftover from the prom trial are having an affect on him as the older sibling. We still pray for your family and Maggie every day, and especially will about the surgery coming up.

  2. Yay Maggie! I love the last picture! You have two beautiful girls! And I'm so glad y'all have had some time alone together. I know how simple but how sweet that is. Stay warm!
    Love ya!
