Thursday, September 29, 2011

Braces and food

Maggie is getting leg braces to help with her walking since her legs are still tight related to my pregnancy. She was so good getting casted in the office today...

I don't know why but Maggie is losing weight again. The hard thing about having a g-tube child is figuring out how many calories they are burning so you make sure to give them enough through their tube. It's a mystery to us that she's losing again because she's not throwing up....but I'm hoping it's because she is more active....

Right now I'm trying to figure out how to increase the calories of her formula without making too much volume or making it too hard to digest. Ive tried adding whole milk and even pure whipping cream and both just ended up tearing up her sensitive stomach. Increased olive oil just goes right through her and makes her have a lot of dirty diapers. It really is exhausting to constantly think about something related to your child's health, especially when it pertains to weight. Sometimes I just want to throw a hostess cupcake in the blender, but that'd probably make her sick, too! Oh well, I'll keep trying to find the perfect ingredient to get a little chub on my sweet baby...

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