Tuesday, July 13, 2010

First time away...

This past weekend I left Maggie for the first time since she was born.  My sister had her third baby (three cheers for baby Emerson!) and so I went to Little Rock to be with them. I spent two days getting organized for Justin to take care of the girls - lists of medicines, time lines for feeding and meds, cleaned all the bottles and toys, laid out each outfit for Mary Lawrence, even arranged for some babysitters (thanks Steppi) to give him a break. I thought I would be nervous about leaving. And while I did have some knots in my stomach as I kissed everyone good-bye at the airport, by the time I got a Cinnabon, an Us Weekly and my usual vanilla misto at Starbucks, I was feeling just fine...

It was great to get away and be able to help someone else for a change. I got to spend some quality time with my adorable nephews and cuddle a healthy and precious newborn - something we don't take for granted in our family. Emerson is a little chubbo and he is eating all of the time  - I have no doubt he'll be surpassing Maggie in weight in about four days:).

Anyways, everyone survived the weekend at our house, although I think it was telling that when I got home yesterday Justin surprised me with a little blue box holding a tiny gold necklace. I guess it was good to let him live the "mom life" for a few days after all...

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