Friday, September 25, 2009

Update from Lee

Lee finally got a sonogram tonight and Maggie looked great! Maggie's heart beat is steady and strong and Lee is having no contractions. Such a blessing to hear some good news. Maggie has moved horizontally which probably caused all the fluid to leak out so quickly. The doctors are still very worried about the risk of infection since so much fluid leaked out. After much consideration, they are going to start her on antibiotics. They said that the benefits far outweigh the risk. Some of the risk include building up a resistant to the infection which means the antibiotics will not work & induce labor once the antibiotic are finished. They are also worried that because she leaked so much fluid so quickly it could possible make her go into labor. They are monitoring her closely. Please continue to pray and lift them up daily. Below are a list of prayers:

... Maggie will move back to "plug" up the tear where the fluid is leaking and will produce more fluid quickly.

... She will be infection free during her pregnancy.

... That God gives the doctors wisdom and knowledge to best treat Lee & Maggie. 

... Lee will have a little bit of peace so she can rest and have strength for the coming weeks.



  1. Praying for you Lee and for Maggie! You made it this far, hang in there!

  2. Please know that many, many people (many you have never met) are praying for you, your family, and Maggie. You, your husband, and your family are true inspirations for us all. Your writings have had a major impact on my life (for the better) and I want you to know that.
